Journal of Prosthetics and Orthotics: January 2020 - Volume 32 - Issue 1 - p 24-31
Our first published study in the the International Journal of Prosthetics and Orthotics (JPO) we found that of 66 patients, 98% reported great comfort and usage time for their new legs. Even more important was that 75% of those previously unable to work following their amputation were able to obtain a job after receiving our prosthesis. Their life, and the lives of their family and community, are being transformed by this inexpensive solution.
Presenters: Kim Bassler, SPT; Emily Hutchinson, SPT; Brooke Martin, SPT; Alyssa Fasino, SPT; Rachel Stratton, SPT; Morgan McPherson, SPT; Molly Polizotto, SPT; Jennifer Hunter, SPT; Montana Hearl, SPT; Veronica Demarest, SPT; Scott Murray, SPT. Mentors: Dr. Wil Kolb
Radford University, Department of Physical Therapy
Hope to Walk creates prosthetic legs that cost as little as $100 for transtibial and $200 for transfemoral prostheses. Through donations and community partnerships, Hope to Walk provides the prostheses at no cost to the recipients. Conversely, traditional prostheses cost $5,000 - $60,000 before insurance adjustments.