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Mabry, Michael R. DO; Johnson, Phillip CPO; Erazo, Xiomara MD; Palmieri, James PhD; Sutphin, Dean PhD

Journal of Prosthetics and Orthotics: January 2020 - Volume 32 - Issue 1 - p 24-31

Our first published study in the the International Journal of Prosthetics and Orthotics (JPO) we found that of 66 patients, 98% reported great comfort and usage time for their new legs. Even more important was that 75% of those previously unable to work following their amputation were able to obtain a job after receiving our prosthesis. Their life, and the lives of their family and community, are being transformed by this inexpensive solution.

Presenters: Kim Bassler, SPT; Emily Hutchinson, SPT; Brooke Martin, SPT; Alyssa Fasino, SPT; Rachel Stratton, SPT; Morgan McPherson, SPT; Molly Polizotto, SPT; Jennifer Hunter, SPT; Montana Hearl, SPT; Veronica Demarest, SPT; Scott Murray, SPT.  Mentors: Dr. Wil Kolb

Radford University, Department of Physical Therapy

Hope To Walk and Radford University Department of Physical Therapy (RUDPT) collaborated and identified a gap in the current educational materials provided to lower limb amputees. As part of a Service-Learning Project (SLP), students and faculty at RUDPT worked together to create two educational handouts for limb care and rehabilitation after lower limb amputation and prosthetic fitting to be distributed to HTW clients globally.
Presenters: Robert Adams, SPT; Clint Brooks, SPT; Emily DiSalvo, SPT; Olivia Heller, SPT; Luke Reardon, SPT; Ankita Roy, SPT; Ellen Turner, SPT; Chris Wesdock, SPT; Ryne Woodard, SPT.  Mentors: Dr. Wil Kolb, Daniel Miner
Radford University, Department of Physical Therapy

Hope to Walk creates prosthetic legs that cost as little as $100 for transtibial and $200 for transfemoral prostheses. Through donations and community partnerships, Hope to Walk provides the prostheses at no cost to the recipients. Conversely, traditional prostheses cost $5,000 - $60,000 before insurance adjustments.