LEG IN HONOR PROGRAM ($250 or more)
Giving the gift of walking to someone in need in honor of a loved one
Several people have come along side Hope To Walk and asked if they can donate a prosthetic leg in honor of their father or mother or family member. So we engraved the donor’s name on the foot of a prosthetic leg that was given to a patient in need. The patient was told they were cared for and who had donated their leg. What an impact that made!
The patient felt loved and was very appreciative and the donor was able to give photos and the patient’s story to their family member as a gift. One man was surprised by his wife with the gift of giving someone else hope to walk and he was left speechless. He told our team this was one of the best gifts he had ever received.
Now we want to give others the chance to do the same. For $250, you can purchase all materials for a prosthetic leg as well as additional socks for a patient in Honduras. You will receive photos of the patient as well as their story.
To give the gift of walking to someone in need in honor of a loved one, complete the form below to give a Leg in Honor.

To donate a leg in honor, please complete the form below. Then conclude your $250 donation by clicking the PayPal button below the form:
Part 2/2: After you complete this form, please click the PayPal button below to complete your $250 Donation.