Below Knee Prosthetic Leg
Our first low cost assistive device
A below knee prosthetic leg (BK) was Hope To Walk’s first low cost assistive device that was developed in 2015 after Michael Mabry and Phil Johnson saw the need for affordable prosthetic devices for those living in poverty. It has been through several updates and the current design has been stable for more than 2 years. There are many challenges to providing prosthetics in the developing world including: high material costs, lack of access to prosthetic materials, the need to be cosmetically acceptable, lack of physical therapy follow up, a 50,000 prosthetic technician shortage world-wide, and having close patient follow up, just to name a few. Hope To Walk wanted to address all of these issues to make our leg an ideal solution for patients in developing nations where access to medical care if often limited.
Our BK prosthesis is made of materials available most anywhere in the world such as our leg pylon or leg shaft. It is made of PVC pipe with a wooden dowel bonded to the inside using Gorilla Glue and then painted. The length of the pylon can be cut to fit the needs of each individual patient. Our socket is made of a special fiberglass material which is crafted uniquely to each patient for a custom fit. Again, these supplies are readily available in most nations.
The entire leg costs less than $250 in materials to manufacture but includes many hours of volunteer time to produce. In our first published study in the International Journal of Prosthetics and Orthotics (JPO) we found that of 66 patients, 98% reported great comfort and usage time for their new legs. Even more important was that 75% of those previously unable to work following their amputation were able to obtain a job after receiving our prosthesis. Their life, and the lives of their family and community, are being transformed by this inexpensive solution.

Manufactured for around $250