Read heartwarming stories that have given many people Hope To Walk!

image of a boy on a swing

Andy, Honduras

 After losing his leg at 18 months, Andy could only crawl into the clinic. Hours later, he walked out!

Le Thi Then, Vietnam

With her prosthetic legs, Le Thi Then manages to care for her elderly parents and pick fruit on their farm

Ada, Honduras

A mother who never lost hope even after losing both her legs as a child.

“Going to Guatemala and volunteering in the Hope To Walk clinic was an experience I will never forget! While there, I was able to see 13 people walk again and had a hand in every step of the leg making process. Seeing the smiles on the patient’s faces meant so much to me but seeing the joy on their families faces is what really stuck with me. Now I know that one leg isn’t just one life changed but many lives!”

Virginia Tech Recent Alumna - Milly Jones

Milly Jones experienced helping 13 people walk again and the joy it brought to patients and their families.




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